Sustainable Facility Management at Public Schools in Lebanon (SUFA) project - REEE Component
Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation Development (BMZ) under the education portfolio of GIZ Lebanon, the overall objective of the SUFA project is to reduce the environmental footprint and to keep the schools operational, in line with SUFA project’s general goal to improve the school conditions.
The specific objectives of the project are the following:
SO1. To ensure sustainable access to electricity for school students, teachers, and administrators in the targeted areas
SO2. To strengthen the capacities of schools and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) resources in the energy field
SO3. To contribute to environmental protection, climate change adaptation and mitigation through improved energy management of public schools’ buildings and execution of green school measures.
SO4. To reduce the energy consumption in public schools and increase energy security and affordability through the implementation of cost-effective renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions, tailored to specific sites conditions
SO6. To increase awareness and sustainable energy habits through the engagement of students and staff in the operation and use of REEE systems
SO7. To reduce the environmental footprint and operating cost of public schools through the implementation of eco-friendly and environmental measures under Green Schools component.